
Why do catalytic converters on trucks break down?

Why do catalytic converters on trucks break down?

Why do catalytic converters on trucks break down? Now, more than ever, we promise to be by the side of those who need us. We’re fully operational so that even when things go wrong, your transport isn’t affected. Citizens need us and we’ll do our best not to let them down. Citizens need us and we’ll do our best not to let them down.

This reality helps us solve heavy and light vehicle mechanical breakdowns across the country. But we can't stop. What we’ll stop TOGETHER is this terrible virus which is keeping us from sleeping.What we’ll stop TOGETHER is this terrible virus which is keeping us from sleeping.

We need to keep going, so in this month's blog, as well as sending you good wishes, we want to share a little more about our day to day activities. Today we’ll pause and analyse why truck catalytic converters get damaged.

Why do catalytic converters in trucks break down? Fundamental reasons

The catalytic converter is the element responsible for neutralising exhaust gases through a chemical reaction. It ensures that hydrocarbons are converted into water and that the resulting carbon monoxide is converted into carbon dioxide thanks to the high temperatures gases circulate within the catalytic converter itself.

As its intended to neutralise harmful exhaust gases, it’s key for reducing the environmental impact of emissions. They can reduce emissions by approximately 75%. As set out in local legislation. At Global FAP, we can help smooth everything out.

among he main reasons that cause breakdowns in truck catalytic converters are:

  • Poor quality oil
  • Problems with AdBlue injection.
  • A bad combustion of the exhaust gases.
  • Incorrect maintenance.
  • Poor provider choice

Global FAP we are specialised in providing quick and efficient solutions for this type of problem. Why do catalytic converters in trucks break down?. Why do catalytic converters on trucks break down? Leave us the information about your case and our specialists will tell you what has caused it. Give us information about your case and our specialists will tell you what’s caused it. In addition, we’ll help you find the best solution based on your needs.

Global FAP, specialists in catalytic converter breakdowns

We have a team of professionals specialised in resolving catalytic converter breakdowns.. We have become a national benchmark in this regard. So much so that we have happy customers throughout Spain. And we give professional solutions.

Once we receive the catalytic converter, our experts perform a rigorous analysis to determine the best way to proceed. ur possible solutions include cleaning the particulate filter, rebuilding the catalytic converter or, in the worst case scenario, replacing it.We give you professional coverage in every case.

If you have any questions about why the truck catalytic converter is damaged, get in touch with us.We’d love to help.


Image: Freepik


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